8 November 2016 TALI Official Gazette Issue Number: 29882
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock:
ARTICLE 1 - (1) The purpose of this Communiqué is; In support of the Eastern Black Sea, Coruh and Central Black Sea basins as set out in the Decision on Agricultural Supports to be made in 2016, dated 25/4/2016 and numbered 2016/8791, the support for the difference payment to the fresh tea leaf produced and sold during the 2016 production season the principles and procedures to be followed.
ARTICLE 2 - (1) This Communiqué refers to Determined by the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 2/4/2012 and numbered 2012/3067 and determined by the Decree on the Grant of Registration of Tea Farming Areas and the Granting of License to Tea Farmers Making These Fields in this Area and approved by Tea General Directorate of Tea Operations (ÇAY-KUR) and regulating the production of licensed tea fields in the production season of 2016 in the production of wet tea leaf sales of licensed manufacturers to support the inclusion.
ARTICLE 3 - (1) This Communiqué has been prepared on the basis of the Decision on the Agricultural Supports to be made in 2016 which was put into effect by the Decree of the Council of Ministers dated 25/4/2016 and numbered 2016/8791.
ARTICLE 4 - (1) In this Communiqué,
a) Ministry: Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock,
b) Tea farming area: The tea fields, which are determined by the Decision on the Determination of Tea Farming Areas and the Granting of License to Tea Farmers in These Areas,
c) ÇAY-KUR: General Directorate of Tea Operations,
d) Ruling: Decision on agricultural support to be made in 2016, dated 25/4/2016, with the Council of Ministers Decree No. 2016/8791,
d) Private sector enterprises: Commercial firms / businesses that register and purchase wet tea from licensed producers in the trade market,
e) Licensed tea area: The area specified in the license and designated for tea cultivation,
f) Authorized producer: real and legal persons engaged in tea farming in tea farming areas,
g) Production season: between 25/4/2016 - 31/12/2016,
Manufacturers to be paid
ARTICLE 5 - (1) Payments; licensed producers and licensed producers who apply for public and / or private sector businesses in order to benefit from the tea product support payments in line with the decree on payment of tea product subsidies from previous years and licensed producers who continue to produce in 2016 production season, produced by licensed manufacturers.
Amount of payment
ARTICLE 6 - (1) For the licensed producers stated in the 5th article, the difference payment support for the tea product of the year 2016 is made. The difference payment support is set at 13 cents per kilogram.
Financing and payments
ARTICLE 7 - (1) The Ministry shall submit to the relevant expenditure item of the 2017 Financial Year Budget, T.C. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş. The General Directorate transfers resources to TAY-KUR to be paid directly to the producers. The service commission is 0.1% of the amount of support paid to the producers due to the services they have undertaken in connection with the implementation of this Communiqué, and the service commission is 0,20% in T.C. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş. The General Directorate is paid separately by the Ministry.
(2) Difference payment support, T.C. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş. It is paid by the General Directorate to the producers through ÇAY-KUR, the related organization of the Ministry.
(3) Payments shall be made to accounts previously opened on behalf of the producer of the banks in which the authorized producers of ÇAY-KUR factories are registered after the transfer of the funds to ÇAY-KUR.
(4) No payment is made to producers who do not have an account opened in the bank for which the authorized producer is registered and the ÇAY-KUR factory is contracted. Payment is made in case of account opening.
Offices and organizations
ARTICLE 8 - (1) Support for tea product difference payment for the year 2016 is carried out by ÇAY-KUR and the Ministry.
ARTICLE 9 - (1) Documents of licensed producers who are applying to public and / or private sector enterprises to benefit from age tea product support payments in line with the decree on authorization payments for tea product subsidies prior to Karaden and which are still being produced in the production season of 2016, the same applies to differential payment support. Public and private sector enterprises will provide these producers with the support of the year 2016 difference payment on the amount of fresh tea they sell in the 2016 production season, without the application for manufacturer. However, due to the age-old tea they have sold to the public and / or private sector during the 2016 production season, those who want to benefit from this difference payment support for the first time and producers licensed to sell wet tea to different private sector enterprises this year, farmers' With the application petition in Annex-1, TC they will apply to public and / or private sector businesses that sell their wet tea by declaring their identity number. The application petition and the farmer's certificate must be issued to all public and private sector businesses that sell wet tea.
Purchase of essential tea, registration, approval and preparation of icmals for difference payment support
ARTICLE 10 - (1) Public and private sector enterprises shall register the amount of wet tea products they purchase from licensed producers by issuing certified tea receipt certificate or certified tea receipt certificate in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Tax Procedure Law No: 213 dated 4/1/1961 they move. The difference between the basic amounts of tea and tea; commodity exchanges, production receipts and / or receipts with the approval of certified tea receipts by issuing invoices.
(2) Authorized producers who will benefit from the difference payment support in the amount of the registered amount, organize the productions on the producer basis according to Annex-2 of ÇAY-KUR and private sector enterprises in Annex-3 within 10 days following the end of the application date.
(3) These commodities, which are organized for public and private sector tea enterprises, are approved within 10 days by trade exchanges.
(4) Commodity exchanges shall inform TAY-KUR about the amount of wet tea registered to them during the production season of 2016 on an operation basis.
(5) Private sector enterprises prepare and approve the application in Annex-4 which shows the total amount of wet tea based on the difference payment support on the basis of ÇAY-KUR factories, following the approval of the commercial exchanges (ic-3) The prepared icmal (Annex-4) is sent to TAY-KUR in two copies without the approval of the stock exchange. The submitted icmalin is sent to the relevant private sector operation by putting the "Seen" form on it by ÇAY-KUR.
(6) Producer-based contracts organized by private sector enterprises (Annex-3) shall be delivered to the tea factories where the producer records belong to ÇAY-KUR together with the icmal included in Annex-4 within three days following approval by the commercial exchanges.
(7) In tea factories belonging to ÇAY-KUR, the quantity of wet tea in producer icings and the amount of wet tea in own icars sent by private sector enterprises are combined on a producer basis within 10 days and the total quantity of wet tea that producers sell in 2016 production season is determined. According to this, producer-based iCal (Appendix-5) is prepared which shows the amount of support for wet tea product difference payment on the producer basis.
Things to be aware of in preparation of the main producer's aids for difference payment support
ARTICLE 11 - (1) No difference payment support shall be made for the amounts not registered to the commercial exchanges and for the fresh tea which is purchased without the edited tea receipt certificate, which is approved by the producer receipt and / or invoice.
(2) If the registered tea receipt and / or invoiced wet tea accrual slip is issued in the name of the licensed producer, the difference payment support shall be absolutely regulated in the name of the licensed producer.
(3) The icmal (Annex-2) to be arranged by the TAY-KUR factories will be prepared by T.C. is prepared according to the identification number. The producers with more than one license are required to pay attention to the differences in the quantity of wet tea in a single T.C. are combined through identification number.
(4) The iqmal (Annex 3) organized by private sector enterprises is prepared according to the name registered in the stock exchange. Private sector enterprises; (Annex-3) on the basis of the ÇAY-KUR factory where the manufacturer is registered. Private sector enterprises prepare icmal for the total number of factories in which the manufacturer is registered for each factory, in case the manufacturer of aged tea sells to more than one TAY-KUR factory.
(5) The supplementary information of a manufacturer shall be indicated on a single line only in the context of the provision (Annex 3) to be prepared by the private sector enterprises on behalf of the TAY-KUR factory. Supporting information is not specified for more than one line for the same manufacturer.
(6) License numbers and wallet numbers are written on the manufacturer's TAY-KUR records on the "Authorization Number" and "Wallet No." columns in Appendix (3), which will be prepared by private sector enterprises. There is no abbreviation of names, surnames and daddies in any way. T.C. no payment is made to the manufacturer whose identification number is not specified. The difference packages are prepared in computer environment and each page of the icmals is signed by the authorities.
Hanger operations
ARTICLE 12 - (1) Manufacturer's certificates (Annex-5) which shows the amount of support calculated according to the total amount of wet tea that the producers prepared in the production season of 2016 production season, prepared by the producers of TAY-KUR factories, the hangers are removed. The hanging is connected to the network that holds the download, the date and the time. If there is no objection during the suspension, the information in the icmals is considered correct. Any subsequent objection will not be awarded and will not create any rights.
(2) The written objections made by the tea factories of TAY-KUR regarding material faults during the suspension period of the contracts shall be evaluated within 10 days from the end of the suspension period and this employee. If the objections made during the suspension are evaluated, if the adjustments are made in the icmals, the icmals are rearranged. The amount of support in the organized icmalari will be notified to the Ministry by ÇAY-KUR for the appropriation of the appropriation.
(3) Comparisons of the contracts organized in private sector enterprises (Annex-3 and Annex-4) are made. The detected faults shall be notified to the relevant establishment by a letter and corrected.
(4) If private sector enterprises are organized in the name of producers who do not have producers registration in ÇAY-KUR factories, they will be notified in writing to the related private sector enterprises that they will not benefit from the difference payment support.
Those who can not benefit from the differential payment support
ARTICLE 13 - (1) The following producers can not benefit from the difference payment support except for natural disasters such as death, fire, earthquake and flood of the person who will benefit from coupons, difference payment support:
a) Manufacturers who do not have the required documentation in the period specified in the 9th article.
b) Manufacturers who do not have a name on the list of hangers or who do not have a written application to correct the incorrect records until the end of the suspension period.
c) Unlicensed producers.
ç) Those whose licensed production ends before the production season.
d) Public institutions and organizations.
Audit, withdrawal of unjust payments and deprivation of rights
ARTICLE 14 - (1) The Ministry is authorized to take measures to provide the supervision of the payment of the difference payment support for wet tea products. When necessary, the services of other public institutions and organizations, agricultural chambers and commodity exchanges shall be used in the works to be carried out for this purpose.
(2) Relevant authorities are responsible for the control of the documents submitted to them and the documents they prepare. Criminal, juridical and administrative proceedings shall be carried out on those who do not fulfill this obligation and who regulate and use fraudulent or untrue documents in order to benefit from unjust payment and unfair payments.
(3) The unrecorded support payments shall be withdrawn from the date of payment, together with the legal interest calculated in accordance with the Article 51 of the Law on the Collection Procedure of Public Receivables dated 21/7/1953 and numbered 6183, taking into account the rate of default interest. Real and legal entities that provide payment in the event of unjust payment and which issue documents or documents are jointly held responsible for the collection of the amounts to be withdrawn.
(4) From the support payments determined by this Communiqué, the producers who are found to have benefited unfairly, except for the payments made by the document which resulted in administrative error, are not benefited from any support program for five years.
ARTICLE 15 - (1) The public and private sector age tea enterprises have to give the producers to the producers by issuing certified tea receipts or certified tea receipts by the producer receipt or invoice in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law No: 213 and the purchase of fresh tea leaf. These documents are required to be stored by the manufacturer for five years.
(2) Public and private sector age tea establishments are responsible for the correctness of the information and documents they organize. When the product is delivered, criminal prosecution and other legal proceedings are carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Tax Procedures Code No: 213 on wet tea establishments that do not issue a certificate of product warranties.
(3) Public and private sector enterprises maintain copies of all information and documents made about differential payment support for the purpose of control.
Announcement from enforcement
ARTICLE 16 - (1) Communiqué Pertaining to the Implementation of the Difference Payment Support for the 2015 Year Old Age Tea Product to the Age Tea Manufacturers According to the Turkish Agricultural Basis Production and Support Model published in the Official Gazette dated July 10, 2015 and number 29412 (Communiqué No: 2015/25 ) has been removed from the enforcement.
ARTICLE 17 - (1) This Communiqué shall enter into force on the date of its publication.
ARTICLE 18 - (1) The provisions of this Communiqué are executed by the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock.
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